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Check out the Eid Al Adha 2024 opening hours and timings for different establishments like shopping malls, hypermarkets, vet clinics and more!
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Want to get henna done this Eid? Get to know a little bit about henna and places offering these services in Qatar!
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Get mesmerized by the dazzling fireworks show at Katara Cultural Village this Eid Al Adha 2024!
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If you're seeking a serene getaway or quality time with loved ones, these Eid Al Adha staycation deals offer the perfect escape!
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Looking for places to celebrate Eid Al Adha in Qatar with a delicious feast and entertainment? Check out our list here!
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Latest Articles

Aspire Academy receives award
ASPIRE Academy has become the first sports academy to be awarded the “Committed to Excellence” distinction from the European Foundation for Quality Management.
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
2 June 2008 09:42 am
Road accidents declining
The number of traffic accidents has come down as a result of enforcement of the new traffic law which came into effect late last year, according to the first aid section of the Hamad Medical Corporation. A local Arabic daily said the section receives 200 to 250 notifying calls per day. This is a significant decrease compared to the calls received last year. The Pen
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
2 June 2008 09:34 am
New social security laws
Qatari women who are married to non-Qataris can get monthly assistance from the Social Affairs Department at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. This is based on a draft of a new law on social security recently completed by a committee.
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
2 June 2008 09:33 am
Lusail Villas to be sold soon
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
2 June 2008 09:27 am
Mandatory blood tests for people get married.
Citizens and expatriates who intend to get married in Qatar should undergo a mandatory pre-marital checkup for genetic, infectious and chronic diseases from September, the National Health Authority announced yesterday.
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
1 June 2008 07:07 pm
Qatar Intl Boat & Marine Expo -
When: 1/11/2008 - 5/11/2008
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Khalifa Al Haroon
1 June 2008 09:46 am
Qatar Symphony Premiere -
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Khalifa Al Haroon
1 June 2008 09:30 am
Japanese scholarships for Qatari students
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Khalifa Al Haroon
1 June 2008 09:02 am
Sami Al Haj is welcomed after torture by America
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Khalifa Al Haroon
1 June 2008 08:18 am
30 new emergency service stations to be launched
A TOTAL of 32 additional emergency services stations will be built across Qatar with 22 for the Al Khor community, a senior official told Gulf Times yesterday.
Khalifa  Al Haroon
Khalifa Al Haroon
29 May 2008 11:51 am