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Posted On: 26 October 2023 06:12 pm
Updated On: 26 October 2023 06:33 pm

The Association of Secretaries General of Arab Parliaments rejects Israeli accusations against Qatar of politicizing aid given to Gaza

Cassandra Pallagud
Cassandra Pallagud
Content Writer
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Association secretaries general arab parliaments rejects israeli accusations qatar politicizing aid gaza palestine

According to Al Watan News, The Association of Secretaries General of Arab Parliaments strongly rejected the Israeli accusations against the State of Qatar of politicizing the humanitarian aid provided to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. It expressed in a statement its denunciation and astonishment of these accusations, which give a picture contrary to the reality of the efforts of the State of Qatar to open safe passages in Gaza for relief and humanitarian efforts, ensuring the release of prisoners, in addition to its other efforts to reduce the escalation and spare civilians from the consequences of the conflict and to ensure that the violence does not expand regionally.

The association stressed in the statement that these false Israeli accusations are conclusive evidence of Israeli intransigence, its failure to accept all mediation efforts, and its continuation of committing inhumane crimes without any regard for international laws and conventions.

In its statement, the association praised the mediation efforts made by the State of Qatar in light of the brutal and barbaric aggression of the Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip, stressing that these efforts receive comprehensive and continuous praise from various countries, the United Nations, and international organizations. It also called on the Israeli government to stop its aggressive activities and listen to calls. The international community must stop the escalation and not obstruct the mediation efforts made by the State of Qatar in cooperation with its partners.

In the statement, the Association of Secretaries General of Arab Parliaments renewed its condemnation of all forms of targeting civilians, especially women and children, and its categorical rejection of the comprehensive blockade imposed by the occupying entity on the Gaza Strip, which deprives 2.3 million people, half of them children, of their basic needs, including water, food, medicine, and electricity. At a time when the Israeli bombing resulted in more than six thousand casualties among Gazans, half of whom were innocent women and children, the association appealed to the international community and parties involved in peace efforts to intervene immediately to stop these Israeli crimes.

Source and cover image credit: Al Watan News