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Posted On: 27 April 2020 04:57 pm
Updated On: 12 November 2020 09:11 am

10 useful tips when shopping for groceries during coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis in Qatar

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Whenever you have to step out to go and buy groceries during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Qatar, do remember to follow the steps below to ensure you stay safe, and those around you stay safe:

  1. Shop during off-peak hours.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after shopping.
  3. Refrain from touching objects that you will not be buying.
  4. Disinifect shopping trolley handles using sterilised wipes before using.
  5. Sterilise your hands before exiting the store.
  6. Keep a safe distance of, at least one-and-a-half-metres from other shoppers.
  7. DO NOT touch your face during shopping.
  8. Pay using your ATM/credit card, and avoid using cash.
  9. Wipe cans with sterilised wipes when you get home, before storing them.
  10. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before storing them.
Image credit MOCI Qatar