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Posted On: 26 June 2018 10:53 am
Updated On: 12 November 2020 02:00 pm

The importance and benefits of sunscreen

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Sun screen is a must when going out in the sun (even if it’s cloudy) and being exposed to the sun’s rays, especially here in Qatar where summer temperatures may rise to the mid 40’s (Celsius). It’s a habit that should become a daily ritual.

Who should sunscreen be used by?

Children, women and men. Regardless of how old or young you are, if you are going to spend time outside, you must wear sunscreen.

Why should sunscreen be used?

  • It shields your body from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays
  • It protects your body from getting sunburn (peeling or itching of the skin, swelling on the areas overexposed to the sun, or hives).
  • It safeguards you from exposure to the ultraviolet B rays while tanning (if tanning is your thing!)
  • It protects your body from different types of skin cancer (e.g. melanoma) and other skin disorders.
  • It stops the number of freckles and moles on your body from increasing.
  • It helps to prevent wrinkles and other signs of premature aging
  • It promotes younger looking and fresher skin.
  • It ensures the proteins in your skin (keratin, elastin and collagen) are protected so your skin remains supple, fresh and healthy.
  • It keeps the skin tone on your body even.

How should sunscreen be used?

  • Sunscreens, when used properly, are very effective.
  • Always use a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum UVA and UVB sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30. There are different sunscreens available for different skin types and special ones for children.
  • Sunscreen should be applied all over the body parts that will be exposed to the sun 20-30 minutes before you go out, especially if you are going to be outside for, at least half an hour.
  • Regardless of whether the sunscreen you are using is an ‘all-day’ one, if you are outside, it’s better to reapply after every two hours especially if you spend time in the water or sweat a lot.
  • Always use a generous amount of sunscreen to ensure your body parts are fully covered with it.
  • For women who are going to be spending time outdoors, sunscreen should be applied under makeup.
  • If you are going to be in the water, apply a sunscreen that is ‘water resistant’

What is SPF or Sun Protection Factor?

The SPF number defines how much the sunscreen can shield your body from ultraviolet rays. If the sunscreen is higher, the coverage and protection will be better.

Do you use sunscreen? Do let us know what you think in our comments section.