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Posted On: 8 July 2019 03:26 pm
Updated On: 5 February 2023 05:00 pm

Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar

Sumaica Asad
Sumaica Asad
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Top-five-plants-to-grow-indoors-in-Qatar (Deposit Photos)

Plants have a lot of benefits; the biggest one being that they filter the toxins in the air in your house. Plants also help reduce stress, strain to your eyes and are great for your well being. And, they are a great addition to your home decor.

Have you tried growing a plant here in Doha and failed miserably? This is a great opportunity to experiment with something new and expand your horizons. If you have kids, it would be a good summer activity or a good learning curve in general. And worry not, it's completely okay if you don't have a green thumb. Keep reading to find out which plants you can grow indoors in Qatar's summer heat. Also, note that all of these plants can be purchased from pretty much any nursery here in Doha.

1. Money Plant

Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar
Image credit: Shutterstock

    The money plant is one of the easiest plants to grow in Qatar. It’s a vine plant found mainly in North Australia, Malaysia and South Asia. It is said to bring good luck and prosperity inside the house. It is also known as ‘Pothos’, ‘Devils Ivy’ and ‘Silver Vine’. The cool thing about this plant is that it can be grown in water alone as it can survive on the naturally occurring minerals found in water.


    • Scientific name: Scindapsus aureus, or Epipremnum aureum
    • Where to buy: Lulu Supermarket; Landmasters; other local nurseries
    • Water: When top 2 - 4 inches is dry. If growing hydroponically, change the water weekly
    • Sunlight: Keep in bright indirect sunlight for optimal results
    • Cost: QR 30 - QR 130

    2. Snake Plant

    Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar
    Image credit: Shutterstock

    The great thing about this one is that you can neglect it for weeks and it will still live. So, for all the expats in Doha with travel schedules, this one is a winner. It can, however, rot easily so make sure to have free-draining soil. The most common name is ‘Mother in Law’s tongue’. It filters Benzene, Xylene, Formaldehyde and Trichloroethylene.


    • Scientific name: Sansevieria trifasciata
    • Where to buy: The Garden Centre, other local nurseries
    • Water: Once every 2 - 3 weeks
    • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight
    • Cost: QR 65 (42 cm)

    3. Peace Lily

    Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar
    Image credit: Shutterstock

    This was on NASA’s list of Top Ten Household Air Cleaning Plants. They remove harmful toxins like Ammonia and Formaldehyde, Benzene and Richloroethylene from the air and will not only look pretty in your home, they will keep the air healthy as well. It is a very low maintenance plant that can grow in the shade if your flat doesn’t have a lot of windows.


    • Scientific name: Spathiphyllum
    • Where to buy: The Garden Centre; other local nurseries
    • Water: Once every week, keeping the soil moist
    • Sunlight: Partial shade.
    • Cost: QR 35 - QR 55

      4. Aloe Vera

      Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar
      Image credit: Shutterstock

      Everyone knows about this plan and its multiple medicinal properties. It's used in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and has an estimated annual market value of $13 billion globally. It has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. You can also use it to heal burns and use it in beauty masks for hair, skin. Some people like to drink it for the benefits it provides. According to studies, it is known to lower blood sugar and help in digestion. You can also buy individual Aloe leaves from supermarkets like Carrefour Qatar to use them for natural skin/hair care remedies.


      • Scientific name: Aloe Vera
      • Where to buy: Floranza International Nursery; other local nurseries
      • Water: Every three weeks
      • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight
      • Cost: QR 45 - QR 100

      5. Spider Plant

      Top five plants to grow indoors in Qatar
      Image credit: Shutterstock

      This one helps clean toxins like Benzene, Xylene, Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde and Toluene from the air. It’s a tough plant that can tolerate the harsh summer weather in Qatar and is perfect if you are new to caring for plants. The best part is that it’s safe for your pets, too.


      • Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum
      • Where to buy: Landmasters; other local nurseries
      • Water: Once a week
      • Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight
      • Cost: QR 15 - QR 35


      Cover image credit: Deposit Photos

      Have you ever tried taking care of a plant? Drop us a line in the comments and also, don't forget to like and share this article -it keeps us going! You can also engage with us on Instagram.