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Posted On: 2 September 2011 11:50 pm
Updated On: 12 November 2020 02:11 pm

Six cities apply to host 2020 Olympics! Tokyo... Doha... Madrid...

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LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND - The International Olympic Committee has announced six cities as applicants to host the 2020 Summer Games. Baku, Azerbaijan; Doha, Qatar; Istanbul, Turkey; Madrid, Spain; Rome, Italy; and Tokyo, Japan have submitted official applications and will begin the process of evaluation from the IOC. The United States announced last month it would not submit a bid after unsuccessful attempts for the last two Summer Olympics. New York failed in its try to land the 2012 Games that went to London, while Chicago was the first of four finalists to be eliminated in voting for the 2016 Games that were awarded to Rio de Janeiro. An extensive evaluation process for the 2020 Games will begin with the Candidature Acceptance Procedure, which focuses on a technical review and the cities' ability to host the Games. Next May, the IOC executive board will select cities that will become official candidates for the second phase of the evaluation. Those candidates will then submit in-depth descriptions of their Olympic projects by January 7, 2013. An IOC evaluation commission will follow with visits to each city and a report will be delivered to the full IOC membership, which will then elect the host city on September 7, 2013 in Buenos Aires. Tokyo and Madrid were finalists, along with Chicago and Rio de Janeiro, for the 2016 Games, while Doha and Baku were applicant cities that failed to make the final cut as official candidates. Rome and Tokyo have previously hosted the Summer Games. Rome, which lost to Athens for the 2004 Olympics, was the site of the 1960 Games, while Tokyo was the 1964 host. Madrid was also a finalist for 2012. The last Spanish city to host an Olympics was Barcelona for the 1992 Summer Games. Doha's bid includes a request that the Games be staged during a time frame from late September to late October in an effort to avoid the searing summer heat in the Middle East. Istanbul has failed in four previous bid attempts, the last coming for the 2012 Games. In addition to the United States, South Africa and Dubai also considered bids before deciding against it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Japanese) 2020年五輪招致 東京など6都市が立候補申請 招致争いスタート 産経新聞 9月2日(金)19時16分配信  国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)は2日、2020年夏季五輪の開催地に、東京やローマなど6都市が立候補を申請したと発表した。13年9月7日のIOC総会(ブエノスアイレス)での開催都市決定へ向けて招致レースが本格的にスタート。東京は前回の16年五輪に続く挑戦。1964年大会以来となる2度目の五輪開催を目指し、近く五輪招致委員会を立ち上げる。  申請期限の1日までに立候補の申請文書を提出したのは、東京、ローマ、マドリード、イスタンブール(トルコ)、ドーハ(カタール)、バクー(アゼルバイジャン)の6都市。前回の16年五輪招致の7都市から1減となった。  ローマは60年大会以来の開催を目指す。マドリードは3大会連続の立候補で、前回の16年招致では決選投票でリオデジャネイロに敗れている。イスタンブールは00年大会から4大会連続で招致レースに参加した実績があり、今回が5度目の立候補。ドーハとバクーはいずれも2大会連続の挑戦で、前回は第1次選考で落選している。  申請都市は来年の2月15日までに計画概要を記載した申請ファイルをIOCに提出。来年5月の第1次選考で、4都市程度に絞り込まれる。