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Posted On: 30 April 2020 12:00 am
Updated On: 12 November 2020 02:22 pm

How to get success in student life in Qatar

ILQ Staff
ILQ Staff
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In recent years, Qatar has attached great importance to education. Qatar is well developed in the educational aspect that it has reached the ability to educate its own elite. It has every level of education, from elementary to higher level, and it has one of the best world educational courses. Many international schools distributed their branches in Qatar, which also helped in the country's educational sector.

The key to a successful education system lies in students' performance, so in this article you will find keys for a successful studying in Qatar which in turn creates a successful education system.


Learning how to manage time effectively is an important skill for students to master. The lack of time devotion is often observed in students. First, they enthusiastically grab onto any new concept, take the first steps and even get the result, but very quickly lose interest and switch to anything else. Without qualitatively changing, the situation is repeated again and again in various fields of activity.

Highly Effective Studying

It can be said that effectiveness is achieved by a high density of information supplied in conjunction with the student’s motivation to learn it.


Why is motivation important? Just because the assimilation of large volumes of information is possible only if there is a strong stimulus, which is motivation. So what does it include? Always highlight the following key elements of motivation for learning: interest, group dynamics, the balance of theory, and practice.


The principle of interest is obvious - so that we feel like learning, the subject area itself should be attractive to us. This is clear to everyone. However, we propose to consider each component of the formula as a tool that can be used to increase the overall result.

When we start to study business on our own initiative, it is usually interesting to us. But after some time the enthusiasm passes and the case becomes NOT interesting to us. Usually, in this situation, we act as outside observers. We do not even realize that our own interest in the topic can be revived. How? It’s very simple: by studying the news or simply facts from the selected field and discussing them with like-minded people.

Group Dynamics

The next element of the formula is group dynamics. It has long been noticed that the presence of a support group significantly improves the overall learning outcome. By a support group, we mean people like you (students, like-minded people who share your interests). Anyone can confirm how pleasant it is to find a soul mate, a person with whom you can easily and simply talk on topics of interest to you. But this is not only pleasant but also useful since the answers to most of the questions that appear during your classes can be obtained simply by communicating with like-minded people. But the essence of group dynamics is not only to be supportive. It is also an incentive to move forward because group dynamics bring a competitive element to learning. You will not want to lag behind your colleagues, and this will encourage you to devote more time to training than if you studied independently.

Balance of Theory and Practice

Finally, the last major aspect affecting motivation is the balance of theory and practice. Sometimes it is painful to watch a person tormenting himself, trying to remember tons of theoretical material, and at the same time completely forget about the practical use of the knowledge gained. But this is the secret to mastering many professions! Therefore, if the theory is not your masterpiece, then do not forget reading research papers online. Remember, the one who programs a lot, and does not write about it, becomes a competent programmer. The level of a specialist directly depends on his/her practical experience. There are no exceptions to this rule, just as there are no professionals without successfully completed projects.

What is the Conclusion?

Well, we have analyzed all the components of the “magic” formula for successful education in Qatar. In fact, even though we saw that there is no magic here when you look at the striking differences in the performance of individual students, there really can be an opinion that it cannot be done without magic. Some start knowing something after painful months of learning, others understand it in a matter of days. Those problems that some fight for long days and nights, others solve in a few hours or minutes. All this is connected with training models, which, as you managed to notice, have a huge impact on the fate of a future specialist.